Tag Archives: AVHCenile

Beav Sayz 4/14/2015

Designed by Nick Humphrey
Designed by Nick Humphrey


You wrote in. He answered.

Here’s the latest installment of Beav Sayz featuring the AV’s sweetest guitar tech.


You said that the first local show you attended changed your life because you found a scene in which you felt accepted. Some people would say that the AV music scene is now dominated mostly by punk, hardcore, and metal bands to the point where those genres are now the norm and being an outcast means doing something different. Would you tend to agree with this opinion and what advice would you have for musicians looking to do something different in the local music scene successfully?
Dear W.W.
    The scene has always been dominated by punk, hardcore and metal, the difference now is that it’s bigger than it was and recognized by more. It wasn’t about being different from the scene. If you’re an outcast in the scene then maybe you don’t belong here, maybe you need to keep looking for where you belong. In our “scene” as long as you play from the heart you will be successful. This scene can smell a “fake” from a mile away. There’s always been that one band that’s been “different” from the rest and in the past they are usually accepted. Going back to when I started in the scene there was a band called “Grunt People” they were this weird “psychedelic” style of rock that shouldn’t have fit in with the punk/hardcore bands they played with but they did because they played “from the heart”. If you’re being different for the sake of success you’ll never make it out here. Just be yourself
Hello Steve,
What type of person annoys you the most?
Dear Erma,
  Know I talks and one uppers
Dear Beav,
Do you prefer AV Hardsnore or AVHCenile better?-Mikhail,

Dear Mikhail,

If I had to choose if say AV go fuck yourself you little bitch

Dear Steve,
How much is too much?-Random Person

Dear Random Person,
Right before you blackout is just enough

Hey Beav,
In your opinion, what do you think makes a band great experience to watch and listen to live?-Bosco

Dear Bosco,
I enjoy when you can tell a band is into their own music. If I’m watching a band and the members look bored or it’s clear they hate playing a song, it shows. I enjoy watching a band at a show that has very few people, so I can see the true band. I’ve always tried to put on the same show for 10 people as I do for 200. Of course the energy changes when it’s a packed show. If the band looks like they don’t want to be there then I don’t either.

Dear Steve,At what point in life should I consider that maybe I’m just a dick?-B.Jones

Dear B.Jones,
What are you? A pussy?! Fuck’em!! If they can’t take it, don’t be around it. I’m an asshole and proud of it!!

If you have questions about music, guitar repair, or just about life in general, please write to pharoutmagazine@gmail.com