Tag Archives: Chili Verde

Beav Sayz

by Jesse Davidson

Photography by Loretta Canham
Photography by Loretta Canham

Have you ever wanted to seek advice from an angry old punk rocker?

Did you ever wish Mr. Rogers would answer his letters with a middle finger?

Well look no further. Meet Steve Beaver. A staple in the Antelope Valley Punk Rock Scene, a hell of a guitar tech, and an uncensored individual. We asked you to write in and here’s what we got.

Pharout Magazine presents Beav Sayz:

Dear Beav,

when and how did you die?


Dear Hal,
A few years ago with a handful of pills and a 5th of whiskey

Dear Beav,
what was it like touring with Jake Gunterman?

PS: Why are you such a Bitch Face?

-Anthony Stark

Dear Anthony,
Touring with Jake was a blast! He’s always entertaining and can take a ribbing.

P.S. I’m not a bitchface you fucking cunt!!!

Dear Steve,
What is your recipe for chili verde?

-Princess Shortcake

Dear Princess Shortcake,
I don’t have a recipe for CHILI verde, I do have a killer recipe for SALSA verde which I will take to the grave!!!

Dear Beav,
If my girlfriend was being groped by someone in a bathroom while I was performing on stage, how should I apologize to the guy groping my girlfriend?
-Samuel SugarmuffinDear Samuel Sugarmuffin,

You don’t apologize!! In fact you question the “friendship” of those around you for not believing your girlfriend

Dear Beav,
What has changed over the years in the AV scene? Attitudes, Venues, etc.
Also, what is the memory of your first show or of the AV scene?-Squatch
Dear Squatch,
There’s been a lot of change but at the same time some things have stayed the same. The “scene” is spoiled these days. Too many shows!! The reason shows have low attendance is because there’s too many shows. There’s shows every week and it takes away from the allure of the show going experience. The kids don’t go because they aren’t involved and why should they want to be? The younger kids don’t see why shows are special because most shows aren’t special any more.My first show was in March of 91′ at the AV fairgrounds. Scared For Life, Duct Tape, Grunt People, Mortal Feast and Terminal Holocaust. It changed my life!  For once I wasn’t the outcast, for once I felt like I fit in. I was excepted. They didn’t judge me, they didn’t care that I didn’t have a 2′ green Mohawk. I’ve been going to shows ever since.
Hey Beav,
I’ve had liked this girl for a few months now. We’ve talked and hung out a few times and has even my band play but I’m not sure how to tell her. Do you have any advice?
Dear Carl,
Good fucking luck. I’d say the next time she watches your band play, say something right when you get off stage. You’re already on an adrenaline rush and odds are she’s all wet for you.
If you’d like to ask Steve a question or seek his advice. Please write to us at pharoutmagazine@gmail.com. Subject: Beav Sayz